A Time To Learn, A Time To Laugh, And A Time To Dance #PledgesRule

Hi EviePizzaCat friends!!!!!

I am raising money for my school, Sage Canyon Elementary, by participating in a Dance Fit fundraiser and i need your help! Funds raised during the event will go toward technology purchases (Chromebooks, software like Kids A-Z [Reading], etc.) at Sage Canyon. The event will take place on the 4th of September, 2020.

The goal of the Dance Fit event is to move/wiggle/interpretive dance for 30-35 minutes straight. I am collecting pledges for a dollar amount per minute danced. For example, if you pledge $1 per minute danced and I dance for 35 minutes the total donation would be $35.

Below is a link to my personal pledge page along with a super fun video featuring ME!

Evie's Pledge Page

Thank you.
Love, Eviepizzacat

New Heights

Evie tackles the Castle Rock mini incline, reaching the apex in record time. Woodland friends join on the hike back to the base.

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A Cat Show Stopper

An adventure in which Evie attends a cat show, learns a whole bunch about our feline friends, and raises her happiness quotient with some deep belly laughs.

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A Bedtime Story

Listen to Evie’s unique six-year old rendition of “The Day the Crayons Quit” by Drew Daywalt. I promise your day will improve after watching just half of this video!

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Current Mood: Electing for change.

Her platform is simple. Be Fair. Be Healthy. Eat ice cream?!

Evie's kindergarten class is learning about what it means to be President. Today, Evie shared with me the reason we need to have an elected authority: "Because if we didn’t have a president everybody would be fighting and everybody would go to jail." 

I asked if she might want to be President one day. Her response was a resounding "YES!" along with a direct address to the people:

“Everybody - you may have a hard time getting along, but do your best. That generally works out.”
If I were president.jpg

Logic, empathy, and a little ice cream now and then might just be the answer to our country's problems. Evie has my vote - how about yours?

P.S. This ad paid for by pizzacats for pizza and more cats.


I Love You...To Pieces

Current mood: Crest-Fallin' Apart

This morning, as we were contemplating today’s post, tragedy struck our household. We were in the thick of chatting through ideas when, unbeknownst to us, Link was enjoying a paper snack.

Imagine our horror, hearing a wet, crumpling noise and peeking around the desk to see this guy, munching on a beautiful rainbow picture about love.

Guilty Link.jpg


Evie cried…dramatically. Link was terrified. Hugs and pets were spread around to comfort all.

Rainbow Eaten.jpg

After today’s incident, we talked to Link about his behavior, “Why would you do that?” Evie asked. Link’s thoughtful reply, “Meow, meow, meow.” We resolved the issue by expressing our emotions and politely, yet firmly, asking Link to cease eating artwork in the future.

Now, this behavior is not new to our household. Link has enjoyed ripping paper (of all weights, colors, and quality) for some time now. In fact, he pulls toilet paper off the roll every morning, chewing while I’m (ahem) using the facility. It’s a bad habit that he has learned garners him attention.


A bite taken from mom's drawing.

A bite taken from mom's drawing.

And several more taken from the poor TP roll.

And several more taken from the poor TP roll.


So, along with our discussion, we, as a family, are going to work on being strong, and not give in to Link’s paper prompts. Treats will only be had when GOOD behavior occurs.

Will Link ever stop eating paper? What do you think?